Wow. For supposedly a bunch of smart folks we elected to "REPRESENT" us in Washington DC, well, we apparently need to collectively check our work. Revenues are short of covering everything, we're at our credit limit, income is NOT likely going to increase anytime soon, and the answer is . . . . . "More credit please!" Oh, yes, and make sure it's high enough to cover us through this next election so we can not only CONTINUE to pay for all the unnecessary crap we promised you to get here in the first place, but so we can do it and NOT be bothered by it (or YOU) during our campaign to get back here. There's a LOT of you unemployed right now, so you can, of course, understand why we wouldn't want to be bothered by questions that probably would end up with US unemployed.
What is going through their heads. Yes, I'm a political conservative at heart, but that means I'm oriented towards minimizing government (Gee, think a reduced government would be cheaper to run?) and keeping them out of our personal business. My DEMOCRAT wife agrees on this point. They seem to think we need them for everything and require the tax (and credit it seems) to keep them that involved. When WE'VE undergone some job losses, and hence an decrease in revenue, we didn't go to the remaining job provider and say "Well, since you've cut hours to save YOU money, you need to pay us MORE per hour so we maintain our income level" I guarantee the least result of that would be to be laughed out of the office.
Well, maybe that's what we should start doing to them: laughing (Or rather, voting) them out of office. What's WRONG with a balanced budget amendment. Heck, Harry Reid wanted one before it went against what he wants now. What's wrong with making it a requirement that we don't spend more than the revenue we get in? If we think we need more money to spend? Put it to a vote, and get the required majority to agree, both on the amount of an increase AND what the increase would be designated for. That SHOULD better reflect what the PEOPLE at large want, since THEY are the ones who elected the senators and REPRESENTatives to vote the way WE feel. After all, it's NOT really about keeping THEM employed as much as it is about keeping this a REPRESENTATIVE government OF, BY, and FOR the people. I think a LOT of them have forgotten about that. THEY work for US.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Well, that got resolved quickly!
Okay, no more QB speculation. Hmmmm. Tarvaris Jackson, Matt Leinart in and Hasselbeck is out. I guess we're officially in moving on mode. Whitehurst is gonna have to earn the spot, and this is DEFINITELY going to be an interesting year.
Monday, July 25, 2011
WooHoo! Football Lives!
Finally, they got it figured out. Now, let's hope the 'Hawks get the QB situation figured out. Right now given the timeframe especially, I'd make sure to keep Hass on staff. He knows the stuff and wouldn't need a learning curve. Plus, we've beefed up the line a bit more. Get Whitehurst some serious preseason workouts and then make sure to get him some (maybe) late gametime reps during the season. If the game's in hand, he's proven he probably WON'T lose the game and he DOES need some real gametime experience. Then, plan for a serious draft move next year to maybe get the QB of the future who can sit and learn for a couple seasons. Heck, maybe Whitehurst IS that guy and we just need to see more. Anyway, I wonder how much of this labor stuff could have been worked out a month or two ago and how much of this getting done now was due to the fact that the preseason/training camp schedules were about to get seriously affected.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Couple other bits . ..
I've set up links to the wife's blogs. Chef Lorrie. (Yes, she's a REAL chef, not playing one on TV.) She's got a cooking blog AND starting one on couponing. (No, NOT the extreme stuff. Most of us DON'T have the time or space to buy 5000 packs of toilet paper and/or Cheerios) But she HAS already started to save us a BUNCH of money just doing a bit of research and planning using the thing they send out every week in the Sunday paper. AND she's been finding the stuff online too. I'm starting to be impressed by this. I've watched several $80 totals drop to about $28. Not too bad.
Gotta stop the gaps. Hell, I post, post a cleanup/reset, and then wait nearly another year. Okay. It's blog fear. Must be. Never considered myself a writer, but I think things have gotten to the point I need to try. Politically, maybe. Definitely observations. Social issues? Again, these days, anything is a good topic. MOSTLY, always a sucker for a good, DECENT, well thought out conversation. Matching AND opposing viewpoints allowed, provided it stays respectful. If I post something, remember, it's just my OPINION. Not carved in stone. If you disagree with something, just make sure you can back it up with clear facts, not talking points. I can find those easy enough from BOTH sides of any argument. I'll listen to other sides, sometimes I can convince them I'm right and sometimes they convince me they are. The beauty of free speech and independent thought. And during these times, THAT'S something we all need to see. And yes, topics that are PURELY entertainment may (Okay, probably) will pop up here and there. (DAMN I wish I had made it to ComicCon this year. Say that every year! Geeks Unite!) So, How 'bout them Seahawks? (Now that it looks like the league will actually get down to PLAYING the season?)
Okay, the door is open again, I'll try to keep the coffee flowing.
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