Movie: Ooops. Local place has gone under, go get a new account at another store. Credit card, payment. and Photo ID to confirm you're the person committing to the agreement. No problem. Done.
Dinner. Plan the menu to cook (Scary when your wife is a chef and you're not!) and wait! I know the PERFECT wine for dinner. Yup. ID to verify you can purchase it. Cool. No problem. Done.
And yes, I have my driver's license (DUH) to go from store to store.
End result? Successful evening!
November. Election day. Time to head for the polls. (Yes, I DO miss that). "Here's my name." "Okay, yes, you're on the voting rolls." "ID?" "Yup. Here you go." "And here's your ballot. Thanks for voting."
Cool. I feel good that I've exercised my right as a citizen to vote. No. Wait. I shouldn't. I should feel dirty and abused. Disenfranchised. They asked for my ID. Wow. How offensive. I'm Hispanic. This HAS to be racism. I mean REALLY. There's NO way anyone could get my ballot just by saying they are me, right? I left my ID at home since I was ONLY going to vote.
It's not like I was trying to buy a bottle of wine or rent a movie or anything SERIOUS like that.