Saturday, July 14, 2012
Okay, I CAN'T belive folks STILL rely on celebrities due to their "political expertise".
Yikes.. Stephen King is commenting about Romney. Saying we want him to acknowledge he got his wealth due to the freedom this country gave him to do so. Payed for through hard working Americans and the folks willing to risk their own fortunes to improve yes, their own lives, but through ingenuity and ideas to better things for all, and those that fought for that freedom: the dedicated service men and women of the military. That freedom is being "Increasing clogged." Yes it is. By government regulations, rules, restrictions and now, czarsa that dictate what industries MUST comply with. As has been pointed out, I'm supposed to be upset about what Mitt does with HIS OWN money, but NOT what Obama does with MINE and EVERYONE else's. All I've heard is that the "rich"aren't paying there fair share. But, for some reason, NO ONE can say what it is, except that it HAS to be more than they are now. Guess what: If you tax the rich 100%. That's right, take EVERYTHING they make it STILL won't pay for all his new policies. OR the existing ones. Ultimately you'll have to tax EVERYONE significantly more. (i.e Healthcare law has been ruled a tax). Folks that are already well off like Mr. King can afford the higher rates that DO get passed onto those of us in the lower brackets as well. (they never TELL you that up front). See. That's the big lie. They don't want us to see, LEAST of all the current resident of the White House. When they say raise taxes on the rich, the laws are actually written to raise them on EVERYONE that pays into the system. MAINLY because they too have extremely wealthy donors. And YES. I AM a believer in the current Tea Party movement BECAUSE it's against taxation without representation. JUST like the original. And that's ALL it's about. Over 60% of the nation is and was against the stimulus packages AND the Healthcare joke. Yet Congress went ahead and decided they were smarter than us (Some even called disagreeing voters stupid) and passed this stuff. NOW we have to have higher taxes to PAY for these things we DIDN'T want. See? Tea Party all over again. Geez. One post gets me on a Rant. I hate when that happens, but these days, all I have to do is see what the new Executive Order of the Day is, or hear how they are trying to justify that asking for ID when voting is racist, but asking for ID when buying cigarettes or beer ISN'T, and well, there I go. It just amazes me that there are still people that think when the government gives you something it REALLY isn't paid for and IS truly free. Well. SOMEONE has to pay for it and as more and more things are added to thet "freebie" list, the increased tax rates will start hitting lower and lower bracket util those rich politicians (Yes, I'm talking about YOU Rockefeller, Pelosi, Boxer, Kerry etc.) say we ALL need to feel the pain and kick in. Remember, Just like Ms. Wasserman Schultz, they'll just pull a little extra out of their overseas accounts to cover it whilt we cut back on the insignificant stuff like food, clothing, heating oil, stuff like that.
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