Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A new hero arises . . . . (Here we go again)

Okay, ENOUGH of the politically pushed praise articles about Elizabeth Warren praising her (FINALLY) common sense, no fear approach to the class warfare argument.  Please.  It's the same punish the rich song and dance just sugar-coated for the masses.  YES, the rich company owners/founders built their empire "moving their goods on roads the REST OF US paid for" (Did you see that?  Them vs. us?  What is that?  YOU used US? And oh, yes, those of us who AREN'T rich also use the roads WE and THEY paid for.)  "Safe IN YOUR FACTORY because of the police and fire forces THE REST OF US paid for."  I've heard that last bit before, word for word.  Oh, yeah, just the line before, and last I checked, the police and fire forces protected THE REST OF US as well.  In fact, they protect us ALL. Including the factory owners who ALSO paid taxes for that.  See, that's the point.  They DO pay taxes, and they DO pay a higher rate than MOST of us.  It's just that Obama, Warren, and their like minded politicians feel that they must be punished for being TOO successful and pay even MORE so they (the politicians) can give away more money to their own designated recipients.  Which probably DON'T include MOST of the "rest of us".

Now.  I'm probably going to be instantly and automatically classified by most of the folks who blindly go along with whatever their party or favorite political personality say I should be classified as.

Well, you're wrong. Completely.  I guarantee it.

While I don't think ANY tax increases are appropriate at this point in time due to the economy, that also DOESN'T mean I feel that "the rich" (Sorry for the quotes, but I'm fairly certain I don't agree with the current Administration and Power Structures definition of rich) should not pay taxes.  However, I also don't feel that it should be up to politicians to decide what the official dollar amount you become "the Rich" and what the "fair share" is.  Please.  from their perspective, the more money THEY get, the more votes they can buy. (Note:  I didn't mention political party here.  One party or the other MAY be more or less guilty at one TIME or another, but they BOTH do it.)

I'm nearly getting sidetracked.  Okay.  She's NOT saying anything that hasn't been said before regarding rich vs. poor.  She just says it more politely, and maybe even a bit less masked.  Still.  It's the same song and dance.

My thoughts?  (Not that EITHER side will go this way).  Leave the taxes exactly where they are.  If you want to TRULY cut the deficit, then STOP spending more than we take in.  Even with the 1.2 TRILLION tax increase Obama proposed and Warren is (Nicely) agreeing with, it's basically STILL increasing taxes AND increasing spending.  The proposed cuts are merely cuts in the amount of increased spending.  Not a true cut.  Heck, a FREEZE at current spending levels would be better.  But of course, it wouldn't create more GOVERNMENT SEIU jobs, thereby creating MORE dues revenue, thereby creating more money for political donations.  Connect the dots.

And yes.  The dots are there for the other side as well.  I'm working on those.

I just wish I didn't have to DO dot connection for either party.

I've come to the conclusion that in reality, the Washington politicians are (Most, not all) only intrested in job creation/saving for their OWN hide/party.

A friend posted a link to a "Rich" person's thoughts that AREN'T Buffet's own self serving rants. (Want to pay more taxes, there's a form for that that DOESN'T involve raising them for everyone.  Go ahead and fill it out for your OWN self. :)  )  While I don't agree with all of it, it's more reality based than anything Buffet, Warren, and Obama could even think.  Here it is (Thanks Dave!):

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