Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New challenges, new perspectives.

Life has a way of making you appreciate things in a new way.  Especially starting up a new job in a field you haven't been in before.  It's enough to think "Wow, I haven't done this before but they believe I can do this. (Not factoring in your OWN thoughts that you MIGHT be able to handle this, otherwise you wouldn't have applied).  It's that rush after the first day that you've gone through both stumbles AND successes that you see that  "Wow.  I thought I MIGHT have it in me, but it turns out I really DO!"   Sounds like an insignificant thing, but sometimes the direction you're headed is so far from what you've done it's more of a milestone.  It gives validation to the saying that if you believe in yourself, you can accomplish what you set your mind to and do it successfully.  I didn't do everything perfectly, heck, I stumbled MAJORLY in the first "trial by fire", but I held together, regrouped, and nailed the second one.

Never give up.  Push yourself.  If you want, TAKE a different path.  Experts will judge you both fit and unfit.  That's their opinion.  If you want to try the path, persevere and work.  Maybe it's ultimately where you don't want to go, maybe it is.  At least you put your full effort into it.

One day down.  Several successes and one "face plant".  Day two is coming up.  I believe it'll be a full success.   Confidence in learning from both the successes and stumbles.  That's the way to make the most of the challenge.  After all, life is boring without challenges.  And THAT'S really what people look for.  EVERYONE is going to trip up somewhere along the line.  It's how you learn and adapt to that that determines the true long-term successes.  Also, if I don't believe in success, I must be expecting FULL failure.  Really?  Is THAT any way to live?  It's the mistakes that make us stronger and better.  Be thankful when they are few and far between, but also, take note when they happen and learn from them.  Don't give up because of them.  Adapt.  Learn.  Improve.  Strengthen.  My GOD, I sound like one of those motivational "gurus" on that last one.  Still.  There's truth in those words.

Bottom line.  Stay with it for as long as you can.  You may surprise even yourself. :)

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